The Firm: Boomers/Complete Aerobic Weight Training (aka Volume 6)

The FIRM DVD Classic 'Vol 6 Boomers' by Anna Benson with Jayne Poteet

Boomers/Complete Aerobic Weight Training (aka Volume 6) is the sixth and final workout in The Firm’s “Classics” series, led by Jayne Poteet and originally released in 1992 on VHS. When the workout was first released, it was given the subtitle of “Boomers” to appeal to the older crowd and to encourage them to take up strength training. Despite the title, the cast features a wide diversity of age ranges (from 20 to 60 plus), genders, races, and the like. When the workout was released to retail a few years later, the name was changed to Complete Aerobic Weight Training. Also, despite the similar name, it is not to be confused with a later Firm workout called “Complete Aerobics & Weight Training” (from The Firm’s Body Sculpting System 2/BSS2 released in 2003). I will refer to this workout as Volume 6 from here on out. Jayne is given the title of “Master Instructor,” although to the best of my knowledge she didn’t teach at the Firm studios. From what I’ve gathered, I think Anna discovered her at another gym then invited her to teach and eventually lead the next video. Jayne was also a pageant competitor and was a contestant on Star Search (competing to be a spokesmodel).

It’s been a while since I’ve done this workout, but after a request from a blog reader I decided to revisit it. I remember that I loved it. Unlike the other Firm classic volumes (13 in particular), Volume 6 features a deliberate and methodical pace, and the strength segments use heavier weights. I also recalled that the workout was entirely low impact, and was also the easiest of the six Classics. Plus, Jayne had a very pleasant demeanor.

And my memory was correct! I loved this workout back in my Firm days, and I still love it now. The workout is structured just like the other Firm classics–warm-up, cardio/weights, floorwork, and a final stretch. It actually starts off very easy, and my heart rate didn’t climb until Circuit 3. From there on it climbed and stayed fairly steady until Circuit 7, the last standing circuit before going to the floor. My Fitbit told me I wasn’t in the cardio zone, although I felt like I was halfway through Circuit 3 until Circuit 7. (Sometimes I don’t trust that thing…) Similarly to Volume 4/Time Crunch Workout, the floorwork consists of chest and abs work and the final floor stretch. However, Volume 6 contains no push-ups and features glute bridges interspersed between chest flyes. The cardio/weights section consists of seven circuits–three strength and four cardio. One cardio circuit starts with floor aerobics before moving into step aerobics with the barbell. Two of the cardio circuits are unweighted step aerobics, and another features metabolic weight training for the legs and biceps using dumbbells and the short step. Two of the strength intervals work the legs (either with squats or tall box presses) alternately with the upper body (either shoulders or back), and the final strength circuit in the cardio/weights portion works the back, triceps, and rear shoulders. Each muscle is touched on during the workout, some more than others. At the end of the workout, I felt worked out but not wiped out. I also liked Jayne. She has a low key, friendly demeanor, and cues well.

Another interesting thing about this workout is that among the cast members, there are several Firm trainers who would eventually go on to lead their own videos–Pam Cauthen-Meriwether (from Firm Strength; here she is lighter skinned and has slightly less muscle definition but still looks beautiful), Libby Heath (modifier in many of the BSS1 and 3 workouts and also led her own workout Lower Body Sculpt II), and Kelsie Daniels (who led lots of the pink covered Firm workouts that were from the 2006-2013 Gaiam era). But the biggest treat of all? Tracie Long–yes, the Tracie Long (who goes by the longer version of her name “Longerbeam” in the credits) is one of the cast members. She has her hair in a short bob, and wears a dark pink leotard and turquoise shorts. Like Pam, her muscle definition isn’t as prominent but she still looks great. And while she didn’t lead any Firms, veteran Firm cast member Narty Waters makes an appearance. She appeared in all but Volume 3 of the six Classics, Tortoise/Hare, and Firm Strength/Firm Cardio. I also think that this workout has the most male cast members of any of the Classics–one of which is a U.S. Marine (grey tank top and black shorts). One of them (in a yellow tank top and black shorts) has a physique I would love to have. On another note, one of the male cast members (tall African-American in a gray unitard) also appears in Tortoise/Hare. He also appeared in a Petra Kolber step workout that I owned a while back (but got rid of), and two years ago I learned from a fellow Firmie that he passed away due to AIDS. 😦 😦 😦

As always, I have several quibbles with this workout. First, the long chair stretch after the active warm-up. I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth repeating again. Current research shows that static stretching before strength training can decrease muscle strength and performance. In the future when I return to this workout, I will skip the chair stretch and do it at the end after the final towel stretch. Dynamic stretching and mobility are both ok during the warm-up, but save the static stretches for the end. Despite this, I love all of the stretches in Volume 6. The cast members also show poor form during the squats with their chests pitched way too far forward on their thighs. It was a back injury waiting to happen! Also, this workout features two contraindicated exercises: upright rows (hands pulled to collarbone level) and barbell overhead presses behind the neck. I have no problems with the former, although (in short) the latter puts the shoulder joint in an awkward position. So I just do barbell overhead presses with the bar in front of my face. Speaking of the barbell, this is the first Firm that utilizes a barbell. The barbell used in the Firm videos is a nice padded barbell that unfortunately is no longer manufactured. Danskin manufactured a similar barbell years ago but it is also hard to find. I started Firming in 2012, and didn’t get my first barbell until 2016 (shortly before I discovered Cathe). It’s a basic chrome (non-padded) barbell that is the same weight as the Firm one (10 lbs. minus plates). it is used in three different circuits which features different exercises for different muscle groups (which require different weights). Since you have no time to change plates, you will either need multiple barbells (like me–I own five!) or sub dumbbells in their place. I had two set up: a 30 lb. barbell for the end of Circuit 1, and a 40 lb. barbell for Circuits 4 and 6. Finally, aside from the warm-up, this workout features no new music (and is instead recycled from the first five Classics).

On another note, this workout features “pelvic floor contractions” (or Kegels). At times during the chair stretch, the ending hover squats in Circuit 4, after the bridge work in the final circuit, Jayne will cue you to “contract internally” which means to perform a Kegel. Since you can’t see this exercise, Jayne will squeeze her hand as a visual cue (and if the camera cuts to a crew member, they will too). I also own the original VHS clamshell (which features a “Fitness Update” before the 20 Questions About Fitness featurette), and in one of the segments they discuss the Kegels. At one point, they show an animated diagram of the pelvic floor musculature (and female vaginal muscles). The first time I saw that, I spit out my water laughing so hard. Also, during the bridge contractions, Jayne cues to “flutter internally.” WTF?!

Boomers/Complete Aerobic Weight Training is 52 minutes long and requires the following equipment: dumbbells, short step (I used my High Step at 10 inches), tall step (I used my High Step at 16 inches for Circuit 4 and 14 inches for Circuit 6), barbell(s), a chair (for the post warm-up stretch), and a towel (for the final stretch). You will also need a fitness mat for the floorwork and final stretch.

Workout Breakdown

Warm-Up (Starts with 2 minutes of active movement then goes into 4 minutes of standing stretches using the towel. First music is new, chair stretch is the same as post warm-up stretch in Volume 4.)

Standing Cardio/Weights (approx. 25 minutes)

CIRCUIT 1 (floor aerobics for the first half; short step and barbell for the second half. As mentioned previously I used a 30 lb. barbell for this circuit. Music is the same as Circuit 1 of Volume 2.)

  1. Step touch w/ hands on hips, turning to face one wall on one step-touch then face the front on the second.
  2. Double step touch 2x, single step touch 4x
  3. Repeat 2 but add shoulder rolls to the double step touch, single arm circles on the single step touch.
  4. Alternating leg lifts to the rear (hands on hips)
  5. Repeat 4 but “flash” hands down as you lift leg to rear (basically arms to sides/palms forward)
  6. Repeat 5 but arms are out to sides
  7. Alternating leg lifts to the rear 4x, step touch 4x (no arms/hands on hips)
  8. Repeat 7 but add front raise arms to the rear leg lifts, double arm overhead reach on the step touch

At this point you are prompted to get your short box and barbell. Music slows down.

  1. Step ups holding barbell, right leg leading 8x.
  2. Alternating toe taps to the box 4x, then do two upright rows
  3. Repeat 1 with left leg leading
  4. Alternating heel digs to the box 2x, then do one reverse curl to press with the barbell (similar to a clean and press but without leg assistance)
  5. Repeat 1 but do 4x, tap switch on the last one.
  6. Repeat 5 on the opposite side
  7. Two upright rows, one reverse curl to press

CIRCUIT 2 (short box; no weights. Music is the same as Circuit 1 of Volume 4.)

  1. Step knee down tap 4x (Hands on hips)
  2. Repeat 1 but add bicep curl arms.
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 on the other lead.
  4. Repeat 1
  5. Repeat 1 but add arms crossing in front
  6. Repeat 5 but speed up arms
  7. Repeat 4-6 on the other lead
  8. Repeat 4
  9. Repeat 8 with side lateral raise arms
  10. Repeat 9 but speed up arms
  11. Repeat 8-10 on the other lead.
  12. 8 alternating knee lifts off step (hands on hips), end with arms V-ing up at top

CIRCUIT 3 (Short box and light dumbbells; Jayne cues 3-7 lb. dumbbells while I used 8 lb. dumbbells. Music is the same as Circuit 5 of Volume 4.)

  1. Stand on top of short box, right foot steps down into a drop squat, then stand and tap right toe to box 4x
  2. Repeat 1 but add a bicep curl at the top. Do this 8x.
  3. Repeat 2 but the left foot steps down this time.
  4. Repeat 2 but this time the left arm does a cross body curl and is done 4x
  5. Repeat 4 on the other side
  6. Repeat 4 and 5
  7. Repeat 2 and 3
  8. Repeat 6 twice
  9. Stand on top of box, do a slight squat then do a bicep curl at the top 4x

CIRCUIT 4 (Tall box and barbell; music is the same as Circuit 5 of Volume 2. I used a 40 lb. barbell for everything, and had my High Step set to 16 inches as you will be sitting on the tall box for some hover squats in this circuit.)

  1. Stand in front of tall box, 8 barbell squats
  2. 4 barbell squats with 3 count hold at the bottom. Finish by pressing barbell overhead, lower to chest, then to thighs.
  3. 8 upright rows, then do one more with a 4-count hold at the top. Sit on tall box and prep bar for overhead presses.
  4. 4 overhead presses (cast does behind the neck while I do in front), 2 with 3-count hold at the top, finish with 4 overhead presses. Bring bar into squat position and stand up.
  5. 8 barbell squats.  Finish by sitting on tall box.
  6. 6 hover squats with 3 count hold (come into a partial squat glutes hovering over tall box about 3 inches, then sit down; these are similar to Cathe’s “sit and stands”). Finish by standing.
  7. Repeat 5. Prep barbell for overhead presses
  8. Repeat 4 but at the end stand and prep for upright rows.
  9. Repeat 3
  10. 8 barbell squats with 3 count hold at the bottom.
  11. One squat with 4 count hold (adding a Kegel/”pelvic floor contraction” as you hold).  Finish by sitting on tall box.
  12. One hover squat with 6 count hold (adding a Kegel/”pelvic floor contraction” as you hold). Sit on tall box.
  13. Repeat 11

CIRCUIT 5 (short box, no weights. Music is the same as Circuit 3 of Volume 5.)

  1. Right basic step 4x
  2. Repeat 1 but add bicep curls. On the last one, tap down to change leads.
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 on the other side. On the last basic, do not tap down.
  4. Left foot steps up, right leg sweeps into an “attitude” position, right foot steps down, left foot taps down. Do 4x w/ hands on hips.
  5. Repeat 4 but punch left arm forward as right leg lifts into attitude.
  6. Repeat 4 and 5 on the other side.
  7. Repeat 1-3
  8. Left foot steps up, right leg lifts to the rear, right foot steps down, left foot taps down. Do 4x w/ hands on hips.
  9. Repeat 8 but sweep arms forward into a front raise as leg lifts to rear.
  10. Repeat 8 and 9 on the other side.
  11. Repeat 1. Finish by stepping off short box.

CIRCUIT 6 (tall box and barbell; I used my High Step at 14 inches and a 40 lb. barbell. Music is the same as Circuit 4 of Volume 5. On a coincidental note, both circuits feature tall box leg presses as the staple move.)

  1. Left leg press 12x
  2. Left foot on tall box, right leg does 8 fast calf lifts, then 2 lifts with a 3 count hold, finish with 8 fast calf lifts.
  3. Left leg press 12x.
  4. Step off step, release barbell to front of thighs.  Do 4 fast rhomboid pinches, 2 slow, 4 fast, 2 slow.
  5. Repeat 1-3 on the other side.
  6. Step off tall box, release barbell to front of thighs. Alternate one slow shrug w/ one slow rhomboid pinch, do this twice.
  7. 4 fast shrugs, 4 fast pinches
  8. Repeat 6 and 7 once more.

(“Aerobic Phase Ends” appears at the lower left hand corner of the screen)

CIRCUIT 7 (tall box and dumbbells; Jayne cues 7-12 lb. dumbbells for 1 and 2. I will list the weights I used below. You will also need a fitness mat when prompted to go to the floor. Music is the same as Circuit 4 from Volume 1.)

  1. Single arm tricep kickbacks w/ one foot propped on tall box, 20x (one 12 lb. dumbbell)
  2. Repeat 1 on the other side
  3. Double arm lat row w/ one foot propped on tall box, 20x (20 lb. dumbbells)
  4. Sit on tall box, do three rear delt flyes (pinkies towards ceiling) followed by one shoulder roll. Repeat several times. (5 lb. dumbbells)

At this time you are prompted to release dumbbells and prep for abdominal work. Jayne says that “shoes are optional for the rest of the workout,” and the camera cuts to Jayne with her shoes off. The other cast members keep their shoes on.

  1. Lie supine on fitness mat, calves resting on tall box, hands behind head, lift head and shoulders off floor and hold. 4 reverse crunches in this position.
  2. Calves on tall box, do 4 upper crunches.
  3. Repeat 1
  4. Repeat 2 but do 2x
  5. Repeat 3 but do 2x
  6. Repeat 4 and 5
  7. Repeat 6 but do 1 upper crunch and 2 lower crunches
  8. Repeat 4
  9. 5 upper/lower combo crunches. Brief rest.
  10. Repeat 1 and 2
  11. Repeat 6
  12. Repeat 9 but do 7 combo crunches instead of 5. Finish with holding one upper/lower combo crunch for an extended period of time.

CIRCUIT 8 (More ab work w/ tall box used as a prop for feet; music is the same as Circuit 1 of Volume 1)

  1. Right oblique crunch 16x
  2. 4 upper crunches
  3. 8 upper crunches w/ alternating knee in on each crunch
  4. 4-count crunch: crunch and bring right knee in to chest, lower upper body and extend right leg over tall box, crunch and bring right knee into chest, lower upper body and tap heel to tall box. Do this 4x, finish with a brief rest.
  5. 8 reverse crunches (upper torso lifted off floor)
  6. 8 upper/lower combo crunches
  7. Repeat 4 on the other side. Finish with a brief rest.
  8. Repeat 1 on the other side
  9. Alternate crunch to right side, center, crunch to left, center. Do this 2x. Finish with a 4-count upper crunch hold. Remove tall box.

CIRCUIT 9 (dumbbells; Jayne cues 10-15 lb. dumbbells. I used 20 lb. dumbbells for everything. Music is the same as Circuit 5 of Volume 3.)

  1. 16 chest flyes (some crew members have legs extended over hips, some have knees bent and feet flat on floor).
  2. 16 glute bridges w/ weights on hips
  3. Repeat 1
  4. Repeat 2
  5. Lift hips slightly off of the floor, fast knee presses in 8x
  6. 16 bridge pulses; on the last 8, remove dumbbells off of hips
  7. 4 3-count Kegels/”internal contractions”, 4 pulsing Kegels (or “flutters”), 3 3-count Kegels, finish with a long hold.

Two-part final stretch (both use the towel and are done either seated or lying supine on mat; the music for the first part is the same as the final towel stretch in Volume 2 while the second part’s music is the same as the final stretch in Volume 5.)

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