About Me

Hey there!  Welcome to my blog!  I created this site back in 2017 to review home workouts.  I have lots of workout DVDs (and even some VHS tapes), and consider myself a bit of a hoarder.  But I consider it a “healthy hoarding” because I use workout DVDs to stay strong, fit, and healthy.  And yes, my collection keeps growing.  The main purpose of this blog is to keep my workouts straight, since I have so many.  When I plan on pulling out a particular DVD, I use this blog as my reference to refresh my memory–either as to look at a workout breakdown, my thoughts on a workout, what weights I lifted (although I also use workout cards to keep track of what weights I use during every strength workout), and the like.  I also review workouts that are either streamed free or for a fee.

Please note that I earn nothing from this blog, so I’m free to be honest in all of my reviews and posts.  Although I try to be unbiased, I do have my favorite trainers and workouts that I return to time and time again.  You may dislike a particular workout or trainer I love, or vice versa. On my blog I post reviews and thoughts on home workouts. A list of all of my reviews are located on the “Workout Index” page.  As my blog grows, I plan on tweaking it to make certain information easier to find.

A little bio about me.  I’m a male in his late 20’s, happily taken, who works full time. I live with my parents, and I have my own workout room which I consider my home gym.  While I wish it were a little bigger, I manage.  I consider myself an advanced exerciser.  While I have no aspirations of being a bodybuilder, physique competitor (although I would probably do it one time if I had the muscle mass), CrossFit-ter, or power lifter, I just love working out.  My two favorite workout types are weight training and step aerobics, although I love all kinds of fitness activities.

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