Slim Series: Shape It Up!

Shape It Up! is a total body muscle endurance workout in the Slim Series (a follow up to the Slim in 6 program, both created by trainer Debbie Siebers). The other workouts in the series are: Tone It Up, Firm it Up, Mix It Up, Tear It Up, and Cool It Off (the latter a … Continue reading Slim Series: Shape It Up!

Slim Series: Tear It Up!

Tear It Up! is another total body muscle endurance workout in the Slim Series (a follow up to the Slim in 6 program, both created by trainer Debbie Siebers). The other workouts in the series are Shape It Up, Tone It Up, Firm It Up (a lower body only workout), Mix It Up, and Cool … Continue reading Slim Series: Tear It Up!