Peloton: 45 min 80s Pop Ride (2/26/2019)

This 45 min 80s Pop Ride was a bit of a humbling ride for me. To me, it's possibly the toughest ride from Denis I've taken so far. The other Denis rides I've done have been doable, some of course more intense than others. It actually felt like a typical ride from him early on, … Continue reading Peloton: 45 min 80s Pop Ride (2/26/2019)

Peloton: 30 min The Jess King Experience (11/14/2019)

Garrie's note: I took this ride on April 20, 2021. This ride is part of a series on Peloton called The Jess King Experience, featuring Peloton trainer Jess King. I was interested in this ride after several mentions of it on a Facebook group I'm a member of (Denis's Menaces, for fans of Denis Morton). … Continue reading Peloton: 30 min The Jess King Experience (11/14/2019)