Peloton: 45 min Evening Yoga Flow (5/26/2021)

This 45 min Evening Yoga Flow was just what I needed today. I slept like $hit last night, and was low on energy for most of the day. So my planned workout (a HiiT and Hills Peloton ride) wasn't happening. But I wanted to do something, so I stumbled upon this nice little yoga practice. … Continue reading Peloton: 45 min Evening Yoga Flow (5/26/2021)

Jeanette Jenkins: Power Yoga

Jeanette Jenkins is not a new-to-me trainer.  A couple years ago I bought her "Tone Up with Jeanette Jenkins" set (a repackaged version of her old 2003 "Hollywood Trainer" set).  I was enabled because I read the Cardio Sculpt and Kickboxing Bootcamp workouts were similar to Debbie Siebers' Slim Series workouts (which I was into … Continue reading Jeanette Jenkins: Power Yoga